Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Never Too Late

This weekend our church held its baptisms after every service. I was volunteering when I saw this elderly man slowly walking up the stairs towards the changing room. His neighbor and dear friend escorted him up. I was briefly speaking to her about the man...she told me while rubbing tears off her eyes that he just decided to get baptized. He's 94 years old. He hadn't been going to church for 60 years and decided within this past year to attend Eastlake Church. She continued to tell me that he had a bad experience at their previous church, but since coming to Eastlake he's felt a sense of comfort. With each smile and greeting he received, a little of the "old" him chipped away, and I guess today the "new" him had the courage to stand up and announce his love for Christ and get baptized, at 94! What an awesome, awesome thing that was to witness today!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Writing Opportunity

This past week, my husband and I received an invitation to join our church's eDevotional ministry. Well, with acceptance of our writing sample, this would be a perfect opportunity to share what I love; God through writing. How cool is that? I am excited to be able to write and hopefully inspire others who are Christ followers and those who haven't found Him yet.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Non Fictional Blah

Okay, I've been festoring over writing a non-fictional piece and it's driving me nuts. It's funny how we have tons of non-fictional books at home that my boys have collected through interests in snakes, spiders, dinosaurs, planets, and on and would think I would be inspired by them. Nope. Why is it so hard to write something that's true? Factual? Oh, it's because we have to back it up with research. Yuck! I give it up to authors who write in this genre. Although all the information is right there, it's not as easy as it seems. Siting resources is pretty tough and writing to make it your own is even harder. I think on my camping trip this weekend I'm going to bring my writing journal just in case I get inspired!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Left, Right, Wrong, Right

Today I found out my middle child needs glasses, and he's only 5. This was a Blessing in disguise...the reason for having his eye appointment in the first place was not for glasses. It was for a much more serious issue, so we thought. Thank God his left eye is all healthy. However, in that same visit, we discovered that it wasn't his left eye that was the concern, it was his right. Needless to say, he will be wearing glasses for the next two years...

If it wasn't for the concern of the left, we wouldn't have found out about the right. Hopefully we can correct it early enough so he won't have to wear glasses for life like myself. God can use situations and turn them into something was a good example. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what's wrong and miss the whole point of finding the right in it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


This weekend has been a very interesting weekend for me. We had our many family activities to do, our weekend service and managed to have a little mommy time for myself. Thinking about everything that's happened this week, I see how much God participates in my life. He's not just there while I'm sitting listening to the sermon at church, but He's everywhere medaling in the things I do. Today our pastor spoke about growing. Growing spiritually. He had us circle two words from a verse in the Bible "grow up". I thought about those two words today and thought how I really did grow up just looking back at these past couple of days. My reactions to certain situations back before being saved would look entirely different to my reactions today. Being asked by old friends about advertising for our church was also something that took me aback (this happened to me twice this weekend). I never realized that ad would get a reaction as it did. God works through people any way He can. And for me, I felt it was another way for me to grow...helping others find Christ. How awesome is that? It's nice to know sitting at church today, that I am a different person from two years ago. I am continuing to grow...and this weekend was a nice reminder of that!! Thank you Lord for continuing to work in my heart.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Hello, Anyone there?"

Have you ever had that feeling that someone was following you, that you need to look over your shoulders every-now-and-then? I've had that feeling for several weeks now. But it was more like a whisper in my ear or a tap on my shoulder. I've been so preoccupied with life that I haven't had time to sit and do the important things that matter in my life....reviewing our spending plan, reorganizing stuff, finishing my assignment...which is a month overdue. It's so funny how my own needs get so shoved way back, that getting to them is much of a task.

As I open myself up to hearing the Lord speak to me, I hear His voice whisper in my ear about all the things I am neglecting that REALLY need to be taken care of. And what do I do? Look over my shoulder and keep on going. What's that all about? Why do I do things like that?

It's an awesome feeling to know what God wants me to do. But my problem is not knowing, it's doing. Is it my control? Could it be a lack of faith? Whatever it is, it's my struggle. I'm just glad He continues to speak to me even at times I fail to do it. I know I can lean on Him to keep my priorities straight.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Awakening

Okay, so it's been a few months since my last post. I was even beginning to think if I should continue this blog. But then one morning driving back from dropping my kids at school, I heard the radio host read her blog out loud. "It was the day after Labor Day Weekend. The day of starting over. " Starting over? I thought to myself, then she began to mention how summer was a time for us to enjoy family with vacations and breaks, but Labor Day weekend marked the end of summer. And on the other end, the mark of new I thought hmmm. Maybe I should continue this blog. I took my summer break and now marks a new start. So to new beginnings....

Friday, June 27, 2008

Submit My Submissions

Submitting manuscripts to children's magazines sounds like such a thrill....well, it is, but not you're first one. I'm about to send one of my manuscripts to Spider magazine, but putting all the stuff together; getting the manuscript in the proper format, looking at their specific guidlines, SASE and typing up a cover letter, a cover letter, isn't as thrilling as it seems!!! I haven't even started, I take it back, I have a blank page saved as "Superhero (Part of my story title) Cover letter - Spider". This cover letter is like a cover letter to a resume. It has to catch the editor's eyes even in the first few words he reads. So I need to do that....but I'm not quite sure how I can "sell" my story to them. So that is what is preventing me from sending it. A cover letter.

How can something as little as a cover letter prevent me from continuing on in my writing career? Keep me from possibly being published? I think I'm taking too much control. I need to submit and let things happen the way they were meant to be. Pray about it. Write the letter. Pray again and send it. I need to submit, and let God take it from here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Welcome to the Writer's Life!"

I've earned my first writer's disappointment today. I received my copy of the Children's Writer today. It was the issue announcing the winner and runner-ups for the poetry contest I had entered into a few months back. I ruffled the paper to the end of the issue where the announcement was located. I read down, down the list and then it ended. My name wasn't on it nor the title of my poem. Bummer! "Welcome to the writer's life." My initiation into the writer's world. It feels kindof cool. Like I'm in. I'm a writer who felt her first rejection. Well after some revisions, I will be sending the poem out this time to editors....this is a great learning experience for me. It teaches me to have tough skin and not give up. Step back, restrategize and go for it again!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Obedient & Disciplined

This morning I decided I'm going to make some changes in how I handle my day. These past few days have been very difficult for me in all areas of my life including my life as a writer. Life has gotten so busy, I have been pushing off or rushing my time with His Word. So today was the first day of getting up a little earlier than the children in order to have some "me time". Time for writing projects, writing assignments and time with Jesus. I opened up the Bible and decided to add a chapter from Proverbs and Psalms on top of my regular reading. In Proverbs 1-2 and Psalms 1, they speak of listening to God and obeying His instructions. Just what I needed to read....listening and obeying. A revelation, that's why I've had such a difficult time. I haven't been listening and obeying Him.
Well taking that into my writing, I know I have to be more disciplined in setting aside time to write and focus on what I need to do as a writer. I am listening Lord, thanks for the reminder!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Praying in Our Own Way

So everytime we sit down for a meal, our family gives praise and thanks for the food that is provided for us. My daughter, who is now 23 months old, now acknowledges prayer time by either pausing before she eats while someone leads the prayer or closing her hands together and bowing her head. This morning we had our prayer before breakfast. This time I decided to watch her as we prayed. As we all concluded with an "Amen"....she responded "Mermaid" (Amen in her talk) and proceeded to eat.

LOVED it!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Writing from Our Past

I'm now on Assignment 3. This lesson focuses on detailed writing; showing instead of telling. We are to describe a place we remember from our childhood past. I had to think about a place...all I could think of is our "clubhouse" we built on the slope of the canyon we lived on. We didn't have anything special just a few little toys and hand carved steps to get in and out of our clubhouse which comprised of tree trunks and branches as walls and the treetops as our roof. Nothing special, but boy did we have a view. It overlooked the canyon below and the hills of houses in the background. Anyone passing by would've never known it was a clubhouse, but we did. We used our imagination. We were constantly "protecting" our ground. We assigned a watch guard and everything.

Thinking back made me reminisce on the good ol' care-free days of childhood. I need to remind myself of that when I think of my relationship with God. Think like a child. Jesus even refers to that in the NT. He tells us to approach learning about God like a child, open and taking things for what it is....I tend to over analyze a lot. Sometimes I need to take myself back into the past and embrace things with open arms and an open heart.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Writing from the Heart

I co-lead a group of junior high girls from our church every week. Last night was our last night of our study. The topic was on friendship; shallow or authentic. The girls had some interesting things to say. One of the girls had brought her notebook of poems that night. She had started a poem on her best friends, and finished it as we were having our discussion. She happily shared her poem with the group. It's amazing how the Lord can get into our hearts and into our hands. She wrote the most beautiful poem about her friends and how they helped her find the Lord. It was like taking a peak at her heart and seeing what was inside.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Second Wind

I received a lot of materials from the ICL yesterday. And on the cover I read about setting an established writing work schedule. Something I have not yet gotten to. So it made me think I really do need to take my writing seriously and as a "job". So last night I sat on my bed organizing all my work. As I was doing that, I realized how much lighter I felt. I was ready to write again. So I stayed up catching up on some reading and reflecting on my manscripts. Okay, I'm ready to be serious. I am ready to be a writer. The funny thing is, my hubby gave me a really cool planner for Mother's Day...I guess I need to set some time to do some serious writing, seriously.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Words are so Powerful

I received a card from my brother for Mother's Day. I was amazed by the words I read from this card. Let me give you a little background on our relationship. We're total opposites. I say black, he says white kinda thing. Basically, if we weren't siblings, we wouldn't be hanging out. I know it's sad. But that's what makes this card so special to me. He wrote about how much he appreciated me as a sister and a parent to my kids. I was a great example for him in raising his own kids. Can I tell you how shocked and happy and emotional I was when I read this? I don't really share my feelings with my family especially when it comes to using words. This made my day. I texted him and wrote "Love you". Never done that before, but it felt good.

Friday, May 9, 2008


As I sit here and think about what I could blog about, many topics come racing in my head. But the one thing that pops out is my time with my kids. With the hectic schedule, and the many things I involve myself in, I am constantly reflecting on how this is affecting my kids? Am I spending enough "quality" time with them? I know our Father has place my role to be a mom. Third to being His servant and being a loving wife...but when it comes to's being a good mom. As Mother's Day comes along, I am reminded of not the gifts I should receive, but if I've been the kind of mom deserving of these gifts. I pray to our heavenly Father for contiued guidance and stength to be the mother our Lord has created me to be.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"I Love You This Much!"

A couple of days ago my middle child decided he wanted to forego sleeping at his grandparents house to spend some alone time with his mommy and daddy. (Smart kid!) Well, my son and I were sitting on our family room carpet, and he asked me out of the blue. "Do you know how much I love you?" I said, "How much?" He stretches his arm out in front of his chest then opens them out and circles his arms behind him and claps behind him. He says, "This much!" with a huge ear-to-ear smile.

That made my day! (Note to self, I need to write about this in a story...goes in my writing book)

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I've feel so amazingly overwhelmed lately. I have so much to do. Many opportunities have come my way. My reaction is like a kid in a candy store staring in glee ready to grab everything in sight NOW. I look at all the opportunities and see how they all tie with one another and into my goal to become a published author. For every opportunity I pray. I pray hard. The harder I pray the more impatient I become for God to reveal His answers. But what I cannot help think is, are all these opportunities that are being presented in this huge typhoon the answers I've been waiting for? Or all these just temptations to derail me from my intended path? All confusing and overwhelming. My only solution is to take it slow. As eager as I am that kid in the candy store, I turn to the Word to keep me grounded. I concentrate in prayer. The scarey thing is is that I need major road blocks to stop me from rearing off path otherwise I hit a dead end and have to back track. I guess this is my caution, feeling overwhelmed but yet hearing the Spirit tell me to "take it slow". God is that your answer?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This past week my husband and I watched The Passion of the Christ. This was my second time viewing it and it was just as hard as the first to sit through it. I think of the title and turn to the word "Passion". To see the torture, suffering and pain Jesus had to go through for us is true Passion. His Passion is to save us. Us sinful mortals. When I think of passion, I think of what we are passionate about. To be passionate about something is to be fully engulfed, and fully committed and believe in it. I am passionate about children, I am passionate about writing for children, I am passionate for every child to learn to read and write, I am passionate for children to come to know Christ.

And to think my passion is just an ounce compared to the Passion Christ has for us. Thank you Lord for giving us your only Son. He suffered, died and has risen to save us. This we need to always remember.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Point of View...I received my Assignment 1 back from my instructor about a week ago, and I finally was able to sit down and go over her review. She recommended me to read an article about POV. I must admit I was a bit confused and offended that she recommend such a thing for me to do. I mean, is this what she wants me to work on? As I read the article, a lot of things began to make sense. It stated many times in the article to place yourself in the main character's shoes. What do you see? What do you hear? What do your smell? Then show your reader. Ahh, now it makes sense to me. After rereading my manuscript it became clear what needed work.

As a Christian, this gave me a clearer perspective of what God wants me to do. Change my POV, and put myself in someone else's shoes before I react. If we could all do that, wouldn't it be a much nicer place?

Monday, March 17, 2008


Over the weekend, I had a revelation about girls...we really know what we want. (And we start at an early age) It started as we were leaving for my son's basketball game. I had dressed my daughter in this adorable pink and brown outfit. As I was reaching for her shoes...she says "Boots." Well, I was looking for her brown sandals instead. She insisted, "No" and swats the sandals I grabbed away. "Boots!" WOW, I thought. She's a 20 month old who knows what she wants.

I warned my husband. "Hon, she's starting early!"

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Three, Four, Shut the Door

A year ago, I surrendered my life's decisions to God. I asked Him what His intentions were for me. I asked Him to shut the doors to opportunities in my life and open others because, frankly, I had a hard time figuring out what He wanted me to do. Should I stay in Real Estate or should I go back to teaching? Or is there something else out there?

Here we are a year later....the Real Estate market? Well, we all know where that's going...the classroom? I live in California, I may be receiving a pink slip. Talk about shutting the doors. Maybe it's God saying, "In your face! Now listen up!"

Okay, I'm listening...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It must be a Girl thing...

Funny how today all I could notice is how particular girls while dropping my 4-year old son at preschool, he decided he wanted to lean over the desk and step over something he wasn't suppose to. Well my 20-month old daughter goes over to him and pulls on his shirt instructing him to get down. I noticed 4-year old girls bringing gifts for their teacher's birthday. Why didn't my son tell me? Oh, because he's a boy. Girls are just built to remember things and mind details. Funny how a 20-month old can mother her older brother and how 4-year olds can so be prudent with schedules. When God made a woman, He made her out of rib pulled from a man. I wonder what Adam would've done without Eve? Maybe roam the Earth and wonder what the heck he should do with all these animals. Thank God for little girls!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Unconfuse The Confused

Creation vs. Evolution
The big question everyone is confused about....the kids and I took advantage of the free Tuesday deal at the Natural History Museum this afternoon. The boys LOVE we gazed at all the plastered bones positioned as if they were alive, I read the information posted next to each exhibit about how millions of years ago they once roamed the earth, and how the planet use to look like way back when. When? Is the question. How do I explain to my children the truth about life? Isn't it bad enough the books they enjoy reading show these realistic photos of comets, or was it drought, or was it plaetonic movement?....whatever the reason science has given us as to how the dinosuars have come and gone. It's so funny how scientific theory have shown so many versions of how things were created and actually how things were lost. The simple reason for these different "versions" is because science only base itself on things that could have been, on facts that might have happened...But one things for sure that I know has been consistent for thousands of years explaining how life was created and how things have changed. It's all in the Bible. Plain and simple, it's all there. Nothing's changed. There isn't multiple theories, just one, Almighty God. He did it all. Now why isn't there any informative exhibit on that at the museum? Doubt, lack of faith? How do I explain things like this to my boys when they come across conflict and are put into confusion? Well definitely prayer, prayer for my boys to find the truth and prayer for me to have strength to keep the truth instilled in their hearts. This only inspires me more to write good books that tells Jesus' story and share the truth with everyone. Unconfuse the confused....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My First Contest

Well I took the risk and submitted a manuscript for a writing contest. Not only did I enter a writing contest I didn't expect to enter, but it's a poetry writing contest....before this, I thought writing poems would not be my forte, but remarkably it came pretty easy! I remember sitting in my car in the parking of my son's school waiting for my him to get out. I wanted to catch up on some writing homework and then I came across a pamphlet about the writing contest. I didn't think I'd want to enter it, but as I read further, I was beginning to understand the benefits of joining contests. It's to get me ready for the real world of writing. So I sat there, and started to write. I just started to compose my poem with an incredible ease to it. I felt that the Lord was holding my hand and guiding my pen to write the words on the paper. I LOVED IT! I really think writing can be what God is calling me to do. I finished the poem in a matter of two days with 4-5 revisions, which is pretty good for my first piece. I mailed it off yesterday, but we won't find out the results until July. Whew, I don't know if I can wait that long! But this experience has opened my eyes to so many possibilities in my life. It wasn't hard. God doesn't make things difficult for us because He feels like it. He loves us and He wants to us to be happy. Writing really makes me feels good not because I am making it happen, but the Lord is making it happen. It's an awesome feeling. I thank the Lord for this blessing in my life. My only hope is that I continue to follow this path He has laid out for me. Is it the definite path? I don't know...all I know is that right now I feel He is leading me in this direction. Maybe later He will lead me somewhere else.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Stuck up

Whew, this writing thing is pretty intense. I'm currently working on my first assignment, and it's writing a dialogue story using a given picture as an inspiration. Sounds easy, eh? Not really. The first day I attempted to do it, I just stared at the picture, and nothing....a few minutes of staring and I called it a day. It was my first case of writer's block. Haven't you ever just stared life in the face, and thought well, nothing? For a moment, analyzing life, and figuring out where to take it just became too hard? Yup, that was me with this picture. I couldn't think why couldn't I just do this simple task? Sometimes you've just gotta take it for what it is, step back for a second and then return with a clear head. I did that, and guess what? I started to write and write and write. The ideas just started to spill out of my head as I began to develop my story. Well, now the story is in no way ready to be submitted. It needs to go through several revisions and editions before I can turn it in. Kind of like life....when we seem to get stuck in it, just step back, forget about stuff for the moment, return with a clear head, and let the Lord lead the way and of course with constant revision and reflection through His Word and through prayer. The Lord works in mysterious ways. It's surprising how He speaks to us. Sometimes through His Word (the Bible), through phsyical signs that happen to mysteriously show up "just like that", or other times He's that quiet thought in our heads that seems to just reveal the answers out of nowhere. It's awesome when that happens....especially when those nothing times seems to stop life in it's tracks.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

25 Hours in the Day?

There are some days that seem to go on and on with no ending, and there are other days with a blink of an eye the day has come and gone. Today was one of those days....I felt I really didn't get anything done. Where did the day go? With the new year, I need to continue to be on a schedule that not only allows me to get in my daily Scripture reading, but also allow me to spend quality time with the kids and get my housework done AND have time to sit and write. How do I do it? I think sometimes I get into the mode where I know I'm home and I trick myself into thinking I have all this time, but in actuality, I don't. Well, I know I'm going to have to do a lot more effort into planning each day.... if only there were 25 hours in the day. Do I really need my sleep? :o)
I came across this scripture "But My people did not listen to Me....So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own plans." Psalm 82:11.12
After reading this, maybe I do have a stubborn heart. I need to just let go and let God lead my day. I need to trust in Him to plan my day. Sometimes I forget to do that, or at least try to take control over it instead of pass it over to Him. It seems like the days I do pass it over to the Lord, those days seem to run so smoothly. I just need to be obedient and listen and do.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Shout Out!

I received a pleasant surprise in the mail today....I didn't realize the ICL would send anything back so soon. Well, I received my first writing assignment for this course! I can't wait to get started. I feel so much is starting to make sense now. I am so forever grateful for God's presence in my life, and how He works in such mysterious ways that make a whole lot of sense...It's so refreshing to be excited about something again. Although I LOVE being home with my kids and are appreciative for even been given the opportunity to stay at home, it's also awesome to be given a new opportunity to start something I know I am passionate about. I just want to shout at the top of my lungs how estactic I am. AAAAAAGHHH!!! I just can't wait to make a connection with my instructor and get involved in the ICL and the other students!!

I thank the Lord for this opportunity He is presenting to me in my life....

Friday, January 4, 2008

A New Year

Most new years start with the beginning of a new resolution...weight goals, financial goals, and so on...but this year I thought about what I should do in 2008. I thought to myself, instead of coming up with NEW resolutions, why don't I resolute to commit to finish what I started in 2007? This includes all the learning, reading, and studying I have done all last year...I need to apply them and STICK with it! Too many times I've always ended things at the end of the year, I haven't followed through with things I've started the previous year...well this year I need to continue what I've started so I can continue to grow and make habit out of these things I do.
Happy New Year!