Monday, September 29, 2008

Left, Right, Wrong, Right

Today I found out my middle child needs glasses, and he's only 5. This was a Blessing in disguise...the reason for having his eye appointment in the first place was not for glasses. It was for a much more serious issue, so we thought. Thank God his left eye is all healthy. However, in that same visit, we discovered that it wasn't his left eye that was the concern, it was his right. Needless to say, he will be wearing glasses for the next two years...

If it wasn't for the concern of the left, we wouldn't have found out about the right. Hopefully we can correct it early enough so he won't have to wear glasses for life like myself. God can use situations and turn them into something was a good example. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what's wrong and miss the whole point of finding the right in it.

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