Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Point of View...I received my Assignment 1 back from my instructor about a week ago, and I finally was able to sit down and go over her review. She recommended me to read an article about POV. I must admit I was a bit confused and offended that she recommend such a thing for me to do. I mean, is this what she wants me to work on? As I read the article, a lot of things began to make sense. It stated many times in the article to place yourself in the main character's shoes. What do you see? What do you hear? What do your smell? Then show your reader. Ahh, now it makes sense to me. After rereading my manuscript it became clear what needed work.

As a Christian, this gave me a clearer perspective of what God wants me to do. Change my POV, and put myself in someone else's shoes before I react. If we could all do that, wouldn't it be a much nicer place?

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