Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Unconfuse The Confused

Creation vs. Evolution
The big question everyone is confused about....the kids and I took advantage of the free Tuesday deal at the Natural History Museum this afternoon. The boys LOVE dinosaurs...as we gazed at all the plastered bones positioned as if they were alive, I read the information posted next to each exhibit about how millions of years ago they once roamed the earth, and how the planet use to look like way back when. When? Is the question. How do I explain to my children the truth about life? Isn't it bad enough the books they enjoy reading show these realistic photos of comets, or was it drought, or was it plaetonic movement?....whatever the reason science has given us as to how the dinosuars have come and gone. It's so funny how scientific theory have shown so many versions of how things were created and actually how things were lost. The simple reason for these different "versions" is because science only base itself on things that could have been, on facts that might have happened...But one things for sure that I know has been consistent for thousands of years explaining how life was created and how things have changed. It's all in the Bible. Plain and simple, it's all there. Nothing's changed. There isn't multiple theories, just one, Almighty God. He did it all. Now why isn't there any informative exhibit on that at the museum? Doubt, lack of faith? How do I explain things like this to my boys when they come across conflict and are put into confusion? Well definitely prayer, prayer for my boys to find the truth and prayer for me to have strength to keep the truth instilled in their hearts. This only inspires me more to write good books that tells Jesus' story and share the truth with everyone. Unconfuse the confused....

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