I'm now on Assignment 3. This lesson focuses on detailed writing; showing instead of telling. We are to describe a place we remember from our childhood past. I had to think about a place...all I could think of is our "clubhouse" we built on the slope of the canyon we lived on. We didn't have anything special just a few little toys and hand carved steps to get in and out of our clubhouse which comprised of tree trunks and branches as walls and the treetops as our roof. Nothing special, but boy did we have a view. It overlooked the canyon below and the hills of houses in the background. Anyone passing by would've never known it was a clubhouse, but we did. We used our imagination. We were constantly "protecting" our ground. We assigned a watch guard and everything.
Thinking back made me reminisce on the good ol' care-free days of childhood. I need to remind myself of that when I think of my relationship with God. Think like a child. Jesus even refers to that in the NT. He tells us to approach learning about God like a child, open and taking things for what it is....I tend to over analyze a lot. Sometimes I need to take myself back into the past and embrace things with open arms and an open heart.
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