Friday, June 27, 2008

Submit My Submissions

Submitting manuscripts to children's magazines sounds like such a thrill....well, it is, but not you're first one. I'm about to send one of my manuscripts to Spider magazine, but putting all the stuff together; getting the manuscript in the proper format, looking at their specific guidlines, SASE and typing up a cover letter, a cover letter, isn't as thrilling as it seems!!! I haven't even started, I take it back, I have a blank page saved as "Superhero (Part of my story title) Cover letter - Spider". This cover letter is like a cover letter to a resume. It has to catch the editor's eyes even in the first few words he reads. So I need to do that....but I'm not quite sure how I can "sell" my story to them. So that is what is preventing me from sending it. A cover letter.

How can something as little as a cover letter prevent me from continuing on in my writing career? Keep me from possibly being published? I think I'm taking too much control. I need to submit and let things happen the way they were meant to be. Pray about it. Write the letter. Pray again and send it. I need to submit, and let God take it from here.

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