Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Welcome to the Writer's Life!"

I've earned my first writer's disappointment today. I received my copy of the Children's Writer today. It was the issue announcing the winner and runner-ups for the poetry contest I had entered into a few months back. I ruffled the paper to the end of the issue where the announcement was located. I read down, down the list and then it ended. My name wasn't on it nor the title of my poem. Bummer! "Welcome to the writer's life." My initiation into the writer's world. It feels kindof cool. Like I'm in. I'm a writer who felt her first rejection. Well after some revisions, I will be sending the poem out this time to editors....this is a great learning experience for me. It teaches me to have tough skin and not give up. Step back, restrategize and go for it again!


Anonymous said...

aww, what a bummer! but go jeannie for continuing to honor your dream! :)

xxx said...

YEAH! Just found you through Mrs. T's blog :)

Good for you Jeannie...keep at it!