Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Never Too Late

This weekend our church held its baptisms after every service. I was volunteering when I saw this elderly man slowly walking up the stairs towards the changing room. His neighbor and dear friend escorted him up. I was briefly speaking to her about the man...she told me while rubbing tears off her eyes that he just decided to get baptized. He's 94 years old. He hadn't been going to church for 60 years and decided within this past year to attend Eastlake Church. She continued to tell me that he had a bad experience at their previous church, but since coming to Eastlake he's felt a sense of comfort. With each smile and greeting he received, a little of the "old" him chipped away, and I guess today the "new" him had the courage to stand up and announce his love for Christ and get baptized, at 94! What an awesome, awesome thing that was to witness today!

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