A wife, mom and child of God navigating through life while inspiring, encouraging a clan of three children in our homeschool adventure. (And maybe a few other fun things on the side)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I've feel so amazingly overwhelmed lately. I have so much to do. Many opportunities have come my way. My reaction is like a kid in a candy store staring in glee ready to grab everything in sight NOW. I look at all the opportunities and see how they all tie with one another and into my goal to become a published author. For every opportunity I pray. I pray hard. The harder I pray the more impatient I become for God to reveal His answers. But what I cannot help think is, are all these opportunities that are being presented in this huge typhoon the answers I've been waiting for? Or all these just temptations to derail me from my intended path? All confusing and overwhelming. My only solution is to take it slow. As eager as I am that kid in the candy store, I turn to the Word to keep me grounded. I concentrate in prayer. The scarey thing is is that I need major road blocks to stop me from rearing off path otherwise I hit a dead end and have to back track. I guess this is my caution, feeling overwhelmed but yet hearing the Spirit tell me to "take it slow". God is that your answer?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This past week my husband and I watched The Passion of the Christ. This was my second time viewing it and it was just as hard as the first to sit through it. I think of the title and turn to the word "Passion". To see the torture, suffering and pain Jesus had to go through for us is true Passion. His Passion is to save us. Us sinful mortals. When I think of passion, I think of what we are passionate about. To be passionate about something is to be fully engulfed, and fully committed and believe in it. I am passionate about children, I am passionate about writing for children, I am passionate for every child to learn to read and write, I am passionate for children to come to know Christ.
And to think my passion is just an ounce compared to the Passion Christ has for us. Thank you Lord for giving us your only Son. He suffered, died and has risen to save us. This we need to always remember.
And to think my passion is just an ounce compared to the Passion Christ has for us. Thank you Lord for giving us your only Son. He suffered, died and has risen to save us. This we need to always remember.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Point of View...I received my Assignment 1 back from my instructor about a week ago, and I finally was able to sit down and go over her review. She recommended me to read an article about POV. I must admit I was a bit confused and offended that she recommend such a thing for me to do. I mean, is this what she wants me to work on? As I read the article, a lot of things began to make sense. It stated many times in the article to place yourself in the main character's shoes. What do you see? What do you hear? What do your smell? Then show your reader. Ahh, now it makes sense to me. After rereading my manuscript it became clear what needed work.
As a Christian, this gave me a clearer perspective of what God wants me to do. Change my POV, and put myself in someone else's shoes before I react. If we could all do that, wouldn't it be a much nicer place?
As a Christian, this gave me a clearer perspective of what God wants me to do. Change my POV, and put myself in someone else's shoes before I react. If we could all do that, wouldn't it be a much nicer place?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Over the weekend, I had a revelation about girls...we really know what we want. (And we start at an early age) It started as we were leaving for my son's basketball game. I had dressed my daughter in this adorable pink and brown outfit. As I was reaching for her shoes...she says "Boots." Well, I was looking for her brown sandals instead. She insisted, "No" and swats the sandals I grabbed away. "Boots!" WOW, I thought. She's a 20 month old who knows what she wants.
I warned my husband. "Hon, she's starting early!"
I warned my husband. "Hon, she's starting early!"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Three, Four, Shut the Door
A year ago, I surrendered my life's decisions to God. I asked Him what His intentions were for me. I asked Him to shut the doors to opportunities in my life and open others because, frankly, I had a hard time figuring out what He wanted me to do. Should I stay in Real Estate or should I go back to teaching? Or is there something else out there?
Here we are a year later....the Real Estate market? Well, we all know where that's going...the classroom? I live in California, I may be receiving a pink slip. Talk about shutting the doors. Maybe it's God saying, "In your face! Now listen up!"
Okay, I'm listening...
Here we are a year later....the Real Estate market? Well, we all know where that's going...the classroom? I live in California, I may be receiving a pink slip. Talk about shutting the doors. Maybe it's God saying, "In your face! Now listen up!"
Okay, I'm listening...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
It must be a Girl thing...
Funny how today all I could notice is how particular girls are....today while dropping my 4-year old son at preschool, he decided he wanted to lean over the desk and step over something he wasn't suppose to. Well my 20-month old daughter goes over to him and pulls on his shirt instructing him to get down. I noticed 4-year old girls bringing gifts for their teacher's birthday. Why didn't my son tell me? Oh, because he's a boy. Girls are just built to remember things and mind details. Funny how a 20-month old can mother her older brother and how 4-year olds can so be prudent with schedules. When God made a woman, He made her out of rib pulled from a man. I wonder what Adam would've done without Eve? Maybe roam the Earth and wonder what the heck he should do with all these animals. Thank God for little girls!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Unconfuse The Confused

Creation vs. Evolution
The big question everyone is confused about....the kids and I took advantage of the free Tuesday deal at the Natural History Museum this afternoon. The boys LOVE dinosaurs...as we gazed at all the plastered bones positioned as if they were alive, I read the information posted next to each exhibit about how millions of years ago they once roamed the earth, and how the planet use to look like way back when. When? Is the question. How do I explain to my children the truth about life? Isn't it bad enough the books they enjoy reading show these realistic photos of comets, or was it drought, or was it plaetonic movement?....whatever the reason science has given us as to how the dinosuars have come and gone. It's so funny how scientific theory have shown so many versions of how things were created and actually how things were lost. The simple reason for these different "versions" is because science only base itself on things that could have been, on facts that might have happened...But one things for sure that I know has been consistent for thousands of years explaining how life was created and how things have changed. It's all in the Bible. Plain and simple, it's all there. Nothing's changed. There isn't multiple theories, just one, Almighty God. He did it all. Now why isn't there any informative exhibit on that at the museum? Doubt, lack of faith? How do I explain things like this to my boys when they come across conflict and are put into confusion? Well definitely prayer, prayer for my boys to find the truth and prayer for me to have strength to keep the truth instilled in their hearts. This only inspires me more to write good books that tells Jesus' story and share the truth with everyone. Unconfuse the confused....
The big question everyone is confused about....the kids and I took advantage of the free Tuesday deal at the Natural History Museum this afternoon. The boys LOVE dinosaurs...as we gazed at all the plastered bones positioned as if they were alive, I read the information posted next to each exhibit about how millions of years ago they once roamed the earth, and how the planet use to look like way back when. When? Is the question. How do I explain to my children the truth about life? Isn't it bad enough the books they enjoy reading show these realistic photos of comets, or was it drought, or was it plaetonic movement?....whatever the reason science has given us as to how the dinosuars have come and gone. It's so funny how scientific theory have shown so many versions of how things were created and actually how things were lost. The simple reason for these different "versions" is because science only base itself on things that could have been, on facts that might have happened...But one things for sure that I know has been consistent for thousands of years explaining how life was created and how things have changed. It's all in the Bible. Plain and simple, it's all there. Nothing's changed. There isn't multiple theories, just one, Almighty God. He did it all. Now why isn't there any informative exhibit on that at the museum? Doubt, lack of faith? How do I explain things like this to my boys when they come across conflict and are put into confusion? Well definitely prayer, prayer for my boys to find the truth and prayer for me to have strength to keep the truth instilled in their hearts. This only inspires me more to write good books that tells Jesus' story and share the truth with everyone. Unconfuse the confused....
Saturday, March 1, 2008
My First Contest
Well I took the risk and submitted a manuscript for a writing contest. Not only did I enter a writing contest I didn't expect to enter, but it's a poetry writing contest....before this, I thought writing poems would not be my forte, but remarkably it came pretty easy! I remember sitting in my car in the parking of my son's school waiting for my him to get out. I wanted to catch up on some writing homework and then I came across a pamphlet about the writing contest. I didn't think I'd want to enter it, but as I read further, I was beginning to understand the benefits of joining contests. It's to get me ready for the real world of writing. So I sat there, and started to write. I just started to compose my poem with an incredible ease to it. I felt that the Lord was holding my hand and guiding my pen to write the words on the paper. I LOVED IT! I really think writing can be what God is calling me to do. I finished the poem in a matter of two days with 4-5 revisions, which is pretty good for my first piece. I mailed it off yesterday, but we won't find out the results until July. Whew, I don't know if I can wait that long! But this experience has opened my eyes to so many possibilities in my life. It wasn't hard. God doesn't make things difficult for us because He feels like it. He loves us and He wants to us to be happy. Writing really makes me happy...it feels good not because I am making it happen, but the Lord is making it happen. It's an awesome feeling. I thank the Lord for this blessing in my life. My only hope is that I continue to follow this path He has laid out for me. Is it the definite path? I don't know...all I know is that right now I feel He is leading me in this direction. Maybe later He will lead me somewhere else.
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