Friday, February 27, 2009

31 Words of Wisdom

Earlier I mentioned that Eric and I are involved in our church's writing team. This is our second round in writing the e-devotionals, but this time the format is a little different. Eastlake is starting a new series 31: Unchanging Wisdom for Changing Times which focuses on the 31 chapters of Proverbs. Each member of the writing team got to choose two chapters to reflect and write on. And each day for 31 days, those who subscribe to the e-devotionals will have the opportunity to read, reflect, and react to all 31 chapters in Proverbs. As confusing as Proverbs can be, this has become a pleasant challenge for me. It forces me to consider a few things: Which is inpirational? How has it applied to my life? How will it be relatable for others? That's a lot to consider in just 200 words.

Well I should say after 2-3 hours of work, I hope those who read it will find it inspiring...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

True Riches

My husband and I and a few friends took a leader course for a study we lead at church. We had a verse to memorize before coming to this class.

Luke 16:11 "Therefore if you are unfaithful with worldly wealth, who will trust true riches to you."

Although money is what comes to mind when we think of wordly wealth, it's just not all that. It could also mean our family, our relationships, our jobs. Are we being faithful with them as well? This puts things into perspective. Am I doing my best as a Christian to treat other kindly and be a good steward so I can prepare myself for the "true riches" in heaven? Knowing this verse, I can ask myself on a daily basis, am I being faithful with what God has provided me? What a great way to hold myself accountable and keep that close relationship with God.