Sunday, January 20, 2008

Stuck up

Whew, this writing thing is pretty intense. I'm currently working on my first assignment, and it's writing a dialogue story using a given picture as an inspiration. Sounds easy, eh? Not really. The first day I attempted to do it, I just stared at the picture, and nothing....a few minutes of staring and I called it a day. It was my first case of writer's block. Haven't you ever just stared life in the face, and thought well, nothing? For a moment, analyzing life, and figuring out where to take it just became too hard? Yup, that was me with this picture. I couldn't think why couldn't I just do this simple task? Sometimes you've just gotta take it for what it is, step back for a second and then return with a clear head. I did that, and guess what? I started to write and write and write. The ideas just started to spill out of my head as I began to develop my story. Well, now the story is in no way ready to be submitted. It needs to go through several revisions and editions before I can turn it in. Kind of like life....when we seem to get stuck in it, just step back, forget about stuff for the moment, return with a clear head, and let the Lord lead the way and of course with constant revision and reflection through His Word and through prayer. The Lord works in mysterious ways. It's surprising how He speaks to us. Sometimes through His Word (the Bible), through phsyical signs that happen to mysteriously show up "just like that", or other times He's that quiet thought in our heads that seems to just reveal the answers out of nowhere. It's awesome when that happens....especially when those nothing times seems to stop life in it's tracks.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

25 Hours in the Day?

There are some days that seem to go on and on with no ending, and there are other days with a blink of an eye the day has come and gone. Today was one of those days....I felt I really didn't get anything done. Where did the day go? With the new year, I need to continue to be on a schedule that not only allows me to get in my daily Scripture reading, but also allow me to spend quality time with the kids and get my housework done AND have time to sit and write. How do I do it? I think sometimes I get into the mode where I know I'm home and I trick myself into thinking I have all this time, but in actuality, I don't. Well, I know I'm going to have to do a lot more effort into planning each day.... if only there were 25 hours in the day. Do I really need my sleep? :o)
I came across this scripture "But My people did not listen to Me....So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own plans." Psalm 82:11.12
After reading this, maybe I do have a stubborn heart. I need to just let go and let God lead my day. I need to trust in Him to plan my day. Sometimes I forget to do that, or at least try to take control over it instead of pass it over to Him. It seems like the days I do pass it over to the Lord, those days seem to run so smoothly. I just need to be obedient and listen and do.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Shout Out!

I received a pleasant surprise in the mail today....I didn't realize the ICL would send anything back so soon. Well, I received my first writing assignment for this course! I can't wait to get started. I feel so much is starting to make sense now. I am so forever grateful for God's presence in my life, and how He works in such mysterious ways that make a whole lot of sense...It's so refreshing to be excited about something again. Although I LOVE being home with my kids and are appreciative for even been given the opportunity to stay at home, it's also awesome to be given a new opportunity to start something I know I am passionate about. I just want to shout at the top of my lungs how estactic I am. AAAAAAGHHH!!! I just can't wait to make a connection with my instructor and get involved in the ICL and the other students!!

I thank the Lord for this opportunity He is presenting to me in my life....

Friday, January 4, 2008

A New Year

Most new years start with the beginning of a new resolution...weight goals, financial goals, and so on...but this year I thought about what I should do in 2008. I thought to myself, instead of coming up with NEW resolutions, why don't I resolute to commit to finish what I started in 2007? This includes all the learning, reading, and studying I have done all last year...I need to apply them and STICK with it! Too many times I've always ended things at the end of the year, I haven't followed through with things I've started the previous year...well this year I need to continue what I've started so I can continue to grow and make habit out of these things I do.
Happy New Year!